Bee Club Apiary first full hive inspection.
We are planing hive inspections this Sat March 26th starting at 12 noon to 3 PM. 2 week ago we checked for living bees and placed pollen patties and made sure that they had fondant. After 2 weeks of stimulant feeding we will be going in to check for brood to make sure we have a queen in each hive. If we have a good turn out we can discuss plans for the apiary for this coming year. I am in the process of working on doing some queen rearing in combination with other beekeepers. We are also working on bringing some bees to the Vernon area and having some meetups in the Vernon area.
Directions: Travel East on KLO Rd, cross Mission creek bridge turn right on Spiers rd and 300 meters turn left into the field. the hive are at the south end of the field. Use caution when entering the field as it can be muddy so avoid any muddy areas.