September Bee Club Meeting

NEW PLACE, NEW TIME, an early meeting in the Club Bee Yard.

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 the College is not available for us to host a meeting at this time. In light of this and with the success of having had meet ups while doing hive inspections and working the bees, we have decided to hold our September meeting at the bee yard. We will be starting 2 hrs earlier, so it’s still light out and we will be able to get a few samples of bees to check for mites, and be done before it gets dark.

Monday Sept. 14th 5:00 p.m. till 7:00 p.m. Out doors meeting at the bee yard on Spiers Rd. we will do some mite sampling early and check that the mite treatments are being effective. Then, we will have a discussion on preparing our hives for winter. We will go thru all that needs to be done and could be done to Maximize the colonies over wintering success. We will have a discussion on what works for fellow beekeepers. Our discussion will open up to answer any questions that you may have.

We do have chairs, but if you have a few you could bring  along, in case more than 20 people show up.

The meeting will be held in close proximity to the hives (sometimes bees can be a little temperamental at this time of year) so if you are nervous around bees feel free to bring your suit. We have bee suita if you don’t have one or forget to bring one.

To get to the meeting, head east on KLO Rd., cross the Mission Creek Bridge, turn right onto Spiers Rd., head south 300 metres and then turn left into the field. See you all there!