BeesCene Club Profile

If you have seen the last few BeesCenes you will have noticed Club Profiles.  With the AGM coming to Kelowna in October, Heather Sosnowski (BeesCene Editor) would like to profile our club and a few of its members.  I would like to encourage you to participate by being interviewed by Heather who will ask you a short series of easy questions like ‘your favourite hive tool’ or ‘how or when did you get started with beekeeping’.  Real easy stuff.  I will tell her the details of our club history and activity and details of the AGM.  The more of you she can talk to the better.  Everyone is welcome to participate.  I would love to see some of our long time members highlighted.

Time is short for her to do this so please drop Heather an email as soon as possible at if you want to participate.  If you don’t volunteer, I will hunt you down!  🙂

Thanks for your help,  Dan