For Prospective North Okanagan Beekeepers Club members:

News from BCHPA North Okanagan Region:

For something to do on these dreary days without bees, note that the videos from the education days at the AGM in Prince George are now on the BCHPA website.  Oh, you can renew your membership anytime.  Remember to indicate club affiliate “North Okanagan” so our club gets the rebate.


New members:       As mentioned at last meeting, the subscription to BeesCene is annual so new members get the Spring,Summer, Fall  and Winter for 2020 but do not receive ‘Winter 2019/2020 edition.  I contacted the editor of BeesCene and she has sent me some extra copies the Winter 2019/2020 issue.  So, I will give one to  new members who sign up before the end of January.    You can sign up online at  or the snail mail form such as found one page 13 of Spring 2018 BeesCene on the BCHPA website.


Merry Christmas and a successful 2020.  Rick Plantinga