North Okanagan Bee Club Apiary bee yard work tomorrow July 13th 9:30 Am.

Hi All
Haven’t been down to the club bee yard in the last month due to getting a nasty infection in my leg. It is on the mend but still not 100%. Thanks to Sue, Rich and Rick for looking after the hives while I have been recouping.
We are going to check for a laying queen present above the Schnelgrove boards, and in 3 extra nucs we set up. We need to arrange the honey supers with the full up top so they are ready to pull with a fume board. We also want to check how the old queen in the bottom brood super is doing. As well as checking if they need any more empty supers added. If any are interested we can explain the use of the Schnelgrove board in conjunction with the Demaree method of swarm control to reduce swarming while raising a new queen.
With extraction time quickly approaching we need to get the Seacan arranged and sorted out. For beekeepers that do not have an extractor the club has 2 options available to you. Rent our 4 frame extractor or bring your supers and buckets down to the bee yard and use the 12 frame electric.
We are meeting at the club bee apiary 9:30Am tomorrow July 13th. The bee yard is located 250 meters down Spiers Rd off of KLO Rd just past Mission Creek Bridge.